Икона Святого Равноапостольного князя Владимира

Православная церковь

3163 Purcell's Cove Road, Halifax, NS

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Добро пожаловать в православный приход св. равноапостольного князя Владимира Киевского

The first thing you will want to know is something about our parish. Let’s start with our patron saint — St.Vladimir: It was through his efforts that the whole of that part of the world and its people known as The Rus, became Christian and Orthodox. Let me tell you that St. Vladimir Orthodox Church has more English language speaking parishioners than any other.

St. Vladimir Parish was started by Father Vladimir Tobin as an English Mission and you would feel right at home. St. Vladimir, our Patron Saint, the Prince of Kiev was instrumental in the conversion of that part of the world, Rus, to Orthodoxy, more than a thousand years ago? The Orthodox Church has been teaching about Jesus Christ for more than 2,000 years, and that it has not altered those incredible teachings? Frequently we get asked, «Do you believe in the Bible?» Our answer has to be, «Of course we do, Orthodox Christians wrote the New Testament!» Orthodox Christians wrote the Gospels, the Epistles, the Acts of the Apostles, and the great Revelation. The Orthodox Church (Orthodox meaning right believing) is the ancient and the modern Christian Church, which stretched and still stretches as far back as to St. Peter and St. Paul, and the other Disciples and Apostles, who, led by the Holy Spirit, traveled The Holy Land and far beyond.

The Orthodox Church may be more than 2000 years old, but we live now, by holding on to Traditional Christian teachings. We live in and are part of the 21st Century. Glory to God!

It would be an adventure to visit St Vladimir Prince of Kiev church, and you would be welcome. We don’t criticize, we don’t judge, and there are lots of children.

Saturday evening at 6pm we serve Vespers, which takes about an hour. Sunday 10am we serve Liturgy, which takes about two hours on a regular Sunday. The coffee time that follows lasts as long as people stay and chat, and eat, and drink tea and coffee. Our people love being in each others’ company so we don’t hurry away.

How did we learn about the Church? By being part of the community. So, we await — to welcome you.

Благослови вас Господь!
о. Давид,


December 20, 2024

Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Tone 1
Saturday December 21, 11am
Baptism of Jack (James)
Saturday December 21, 6pm
(Can you believe it-tomorrow will be a very small amount longer than today. Solstice time - the days are getting longer!)
Sunday December 22, 10 am
Divine Liturgy
Sunday December 25, 10 am
Divine Liturgy

This is our parish fund-raiser. Please see Stephen for more details.

Thank-you Father Stelian for explaining the various aspects of the Divine Liturgy. We all learned a lot - well I know I did. Thank you also to Father Alexander for holding the Liturgy itself together, with all the stops.

Can you believe - the children of this parish raised just over $300 towards the Save the Children charity. I can't believe it - well I can, but that is incredible. Well done all of you, who worked for this and made the effort.

Now some brilliant news. His Eminence Archbishop Irenee will be with us for the Liturgy and blessing of water on Saturday 18th of January.

  • December 25 - St. Herman of Alaska
    • Liturgy 10am
  • December 29th 1 pm - Toasting New Year with the Parish and Mission
  • January 6, 2025 - Eve of the Nativity
    • Vesperal Liturgy 10am This is the Liturgy of Christmas Eve
    • Vigil and Divine Liturgy 10pm This is the Liturgy of Christmas Day
(Please note: You can receive Communion at the morning Liturgy on January 6, as well as at the Christmas Liturgy starting at 10pm, since Communion is on different days!)
  • January 18 - Saturday before Theophany Divine Liturgy and Blessing of Water followed by the Blessing of the Atlantic Ocean
(Anyone brave enough to jump into the ocean to retrieve the cross, please see Sergey.)
(Please note: Archbishop Irenee will be with us on this occasion.)
  • January 19 - Feast of the Theophany and Baptism of Christ Divine Liturgy and Blessing of water

Way ahead - Sunday February 23 - Meatfare!

I want to share two photographs I took while visiting St. Peter the Aleut parish in Calgary. The first is taken towards the East end - down the church. You will note that they have kept the pews that were there when the church was Anglican.

The second picture is of their Altar area, which is, as I think I mentioned, about the size of our present building. A wonderful use of space.

This was an Anglican Church. The Anglican Diocese of Calgary, helped the parish of St. Peter the Aleut; by holding part of the mortgage so they could buy the property - it is a worthwhile property with a parish hall. They have done an excellent job here.
(As I think I may have told some - when I lived in Calgary and was a teenager, I actually attended that church for a while.

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate the Birth of Christ on New Calendar 25th of December. May God bless all of you.

Lots of love in Christ,
Father David

image of a calendar

Расписание служб

Суббота: 18:00 Вечерня

Воскресенье: 9:30 Часы; 10:00 Божественная Литургия

См. расписание богослужений, праздники, события приходской жизни в нашем онлайновом календаре.

Наш приход следует старому стилю (Юлианскому календарю).

image of brick wall building


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St Seraphim of Sarov icon

Миссионерский приход Св.Серафима Саровского в Кейп-Бретоне

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The Divine Liturgy will be held on Sunday, December 8th at 597 Alder Point Road, Alder Point at 10:30am. Father Stelian will be coming up to serve Liturgy. We should all share the date and invite friends and family to come along. Our doors are open to anyone who is interested in experiencing the Divine Liturgy.

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