Icon of St.Vladimir, Prince of Kiev

St.Vladimir Orthodox Church

3163 Purcell's Cove Road, Halifax, NS

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News and Events

January 17, 2025

Saturday January 18, 9:30am
Greeting and vesting the Archbishop
Hierarchical Liturgy - Vespers
Eve of Theophany
Great Blessing of Water
His Eminence Archbishop Irenee
Lenten Style Coffee Hour

Tone 5
Saturday January 18, 6pm
Compline and Matins
Sunday January 19, 10am
Divine Liturgy
Great Blessing of Water
Blessing the Atlantic Ocean with Swim for the Cross
Coffee Hour at the Swim site, The Dingle

The dashing to find the cross and the blessing of the Atlantic Ocean will take place at Dingle Park - not very far from the church (see the map).

I shall likely be away from Tomorrow (Monday, January 20th). I have to report to the hospital by 0530 - that's in the morning. The surgery on my back is scheduled for 0700. They estimate that I shall be in the hospital for 2 days. They get you up right away, I remember. I shall be back in church the moment I am able, even if I have to have help. Please pray for me.

Deacon Michael will continue the bulletin while I am recovering. Thank you, Father Deacon.

Please remember Father Stelian's talk about an extra $100 if possible. We want to move and having a stash of cash is the only way whether we build, buy or refurbish - Let us see what we can do. May God Bless our efforts and the Holy Spirit inspire us.

Here is how we get to the Dingle; thank you David.

May God Bless us,
Love in Christ,
Father David

Civic Calendar with Service Schedule

January 10, 2025

Twenty-nineth Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ
Commemoration of the Holy & Righteous Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, & James the Brother of the Lord

Tone 4
Saturday January 11, 6pm
Sunday January 12, 10 am
Divine Liturgy

Following this Liturgy, Luke (Cameron) and the choir will lead us in singing Christmas Carols, that's the real Carols, not the ones that are the jingly bells sort that are used in stores to help us buy. These Carols will be about the Birth of Christ.

This is Sunday School Sunday, and

This is also Catechumens Sunday. Anyone who wants to continue learning about the Faith and the Orthodox Church will meet downstairs at 1pm. We continue our Trek through the document -
I'm Orthodox: What Does That Mean?
This is a document produced by Metropolitan Archbishop Sotirios of the Greek Archdiocese of Canada. Now we must start recording which Catechumens are attending these sessions as we are coming up to Great Lent and at the end of Lent there will be the Baptism or Reception of those who have attended.

Subdeacon David Decaire has started a fund-raising scheme. He has decided to collect cans, bottles and anything that can be turned into money. His intention is to raise enough money to buy a church - a place to replace our present building. Did you notice how 'sardine' like our church felt at the Christmas Liturgy? We need a bigger place. Have a word with Subdeacon David. He will tell you how much he intends to raise and what you can do to help him reach that goal.
Note: The moment we take hold of these raising money schemes, the Holy Spirit will inspire and help - I have no doubt. We must take hold and make effort for the Holy Spirit to use. This is the first scheme; there may be others. The Holy Spirit has been known to multiply the results of effort. We must give the Holy Spirit something to work with - our effort.

Did you know that there are shut-ins who belong to this parish? There are. You can make a difference by visiting. The best people to ask about this, are Father Alexander and Heather Decaire. I happen to know that Theresa would love visitors.

Thank you for all of the incredible gifts. You have blessed me as much as I have ever blessed you. The Lord brought me to you and I thank Him constantly for that blessing.

This has been a wonderful Christmas celebration. Thank you everyone for being there. The fast is over (for the time being). We've been waiting for the Christmas feast - now enjoy it!

Some may know that I am scheduled for lower back surgery on January 20th. This is apparently thought of as major surgery and so I ask for your prayers. Julian will take me to the hospital for 0530 on that date. I shall be incapacitated for a few days afterwards but I hope not for long. May God bless all of us.
Love in Christ,
Father David

St. Stephen the Protomartyr

January 1, 2025

Twenty-eighth Sunday after Pentecost

Tone 3
Saturday January 4, 6pm
Sunday January 5, 10 am
Divine Liturgy
Monday January 6, 10 am
Vespers with Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
10 pm
Nativity of Christ Matins and Liturgy
Wednesday January 8, 10 am
Synaxis of the Theotokos Divine Liturgy

December 2024 Decembre

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Le Christ est Ne! Glorifions-Le!

Bethlehem this day resembles heaven; hearing from the stars the singing of angelic voices; and in place of the sun, enfolds within itself on every side, the Sun of justice. And ask not how: for where God wills, the order of nature yields. For He willed; He had the power; He descended; He redeemed; All things yielded in obedience to God. (Saint John Chrysostom's Christmas homily.)

Bethleem ressemble aujourd'hui au ciel; des etoiles lui parvient le chant des voix angeliques; et a la place du soleil, elle renferme en elle-meme, de tous cotes, le Soleil de justice. Et ne demandez pas comment : car lorsque Dieu le veut, l'ordre naturel est aboli. Car Il l'a voulu; Il en avait le pouvoir; Il est descendu; Il a rachete; toutes choses se sont soumises en obeissance a Dieu. (Homelie de Noel de saint Jean Chrysostome)

Dearly beloved Fathers, Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Bien-aimes peres, freres et soeurs en Christ,

These words of our father among the Saints, John Chrysostom bring comfort as we are reminded that true power resides in God not in men. The Incarnation of the God-man, renews in us hope. True life is restored to us.

Ces paroles de notre pere parmi les Saints, Jean Chrysostome, nous reconfortent en nous rappelant que le veritable pouvoir reside en Dieu et non dans les hommes. L'incarnation de Dieu-homme renouvelle en nous l'espoir. La vie veritable nous est restituee.

May this festal season bring you and your loved ones peace in our Newborn Saviour.

Que cette saison festive vous apporte, ainsi qu'a tous vos proches, la paix en notre Sauveur nouveau-ne.

With love in the New-Born Christ. Dans l'amour du Christ Nouveau-Ne,

+ IReNeE
Archeveque d'Ottawa et du Canada (eOA)
Archbishop of Ottawa and Canada (OCA)

May God, born in a stable in Bethlehem, laid in a manger, with an ox and an ass looking on and with a Virgin Mother to soothe Him, bless every one of us -

With love to all, in that Baby, Christ Himself, lying in a manger!

Your clergy:
Father David
Father Stelian
Father Alexander
Father Deacon Michael

