Икона Святого Равноапостольного князя Владимира

Православная церковь

3163 Purcell's Cove Road, Halifax, NS

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March 7th, 2025

Saturday March 8
6 pm Vigil

Please remember that the clocks will jump forward by one hour between Vigil and Liturgy. Atlantic Daylight Time will begin. (Not an excuse to stay home!)

Sunday March 9
10 am Divine Liturgy
Tone 4

Wednesday March 12
10 am Pre-Sanctified Liturgy

Saturday March 15
10 am Memorial Liturgy

The Catechumen Class will be on Sunday at 1 pm as usual. These are open to everyone who wishes to learn more about our faith (inquirers, catechumens, and Orthodox), but are crucial for any catechumens who are considering baptism in the near future. We will continue with questions 18, 19, and 20. Please note the new link. We now are using Teams rather than Zoom. You can join by Teams here. You can download the PDF for free here.

Did you notice how full our church was for the service of Forgiveness? That is always a service full of emotion. People going to people they know, or do not know and, asking for forgiveness and forgiving - and there is usually a hug involved. That is purely brilliant.

We have been invited to join with Father Maximus and his people to celebrate the Triumph of Orthodoxy on Sunday, March 9th at 6pm. We will meet at St. Antonios Church (2480 Windsor St, Halifax, NS B3K 5B9) and there will, I'm sure, be a procession and a Lenten but delicious repast afterwards. Please come if at all possible.

I notice that there are lots of the Parish Calendars left. You need one for your wall so please take an English or Russian/English one as necessary. They cost us $15 if you can please donate but if not, take one anyway. It will tell you about the fasting rules and other things.

The Archdiocesan Council meeting will be held at St. Vladimir's from April 28-30. If you are able to help billet any of the council members for these dates, please contact Fr. Stelian. We have at least 5 that need billeting.

You can download the schedule for lent here. You can download the translation here.

There is a general Baptism of Catechumens on Lazarus Saturday (April 12) at 10 am, If you would like to be baptized, please speak with Father David or one of the priests.

We have a google calendar, which is kept up to date with the upcoming service schedule. You can find it here and add it to your google calendar with the link at the bottom.

Tax receipts for donations have been sent out by email. If you have not received one yet, please check your Spam folder. If you still cannot find it, please reach out to Jarod ( treasurer (at) halifaxorthodox.org )

May God bless all of us and strengthen us for the continuing fast. It takes strength - we all know that.

Lots of Love in Christ,
Father David

Гражданский календарь с расписанием богослужений

February 28th, 2025

Saturday March 1
6 pm Vigil

Sunday March 2
10 am Divine Liturgy
Followed immediately by the
Vespers of Forgiveness
Cheesefare and Forgiveness

Reminder: The three priests then deacon ask each other for forgiveness, the subdeacons follow, then the altar men and boys, then each member of the congregation - by then you will see how it works. Each person will forgive each person. Everyone joins in this.
In front of each person, we touch the floor, and each person says at the same time, sincerely, 'Please forgive me - I forgive you - May God forgive us both', and then move on to the next person.

Then well-earned coffee downstairs.

The Archdiocesan Council meeting will be held at St. Vladimir's. The date of the Council has been changed to April 28-30. If you are able to help billet any of the council members for these dates, please contact Fr. Stelian.

Please remember David's quest to build a new church

Please remember the shut-ins and if possible, visit them. Theresa, Ludmilla and Zainab (the Chechan lady), For information about Ludmilla, ask Father Alexander (I believe she only speaks Russian), For information about Theresa, please ask Heather and for information about Zainab, please ask Stephen. If there are others, please let Deacon Michael know.

There is a general Baptism of Catechumens on Lazarus Saturday (April 12) at 10 am, If you would like to be baptized, please speak with Father David or one of the priests.

You can download the schedule for lent here. You can download the translation here.

We have a google calendar, which is kept up to date with the upcoming service schedule. You can find it here and add it to your google calendar with the link at the bottom.

Tax receipts for donations have been sent out by email. If you have not received one yet, please check your Spam folder. If you still cannot find it, please reach out to Jarod ( treasurer (at) halifaxorthodox.org )

If you have something you would like added to the Bulletin, please forward it to Deacon Michael. He will add it. as space allows

Remember that the fasting during Great Lent as at other fasting periods is your choice. The Church makes suggestions and perhaps point to how Fasting should be. This does not mean that many of us manage it. We try our best. Children are not able to fast until they are old enough to choose their fast, even then parents will be careful about nutrition. The older and infirm will choose their way of fasting. Be careful and be vigilant, your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, will seek us.

May God bless all of us,
Love in Christ,
Father David

February 21st, 2025

Saturday February 22
10 am Divine Liturgy - Commemoration of the Departed Parish Panikhida
6 pm Vigil

Sunday February 23
10 am Divine Liturgy
Meatfare Sunday
Sunday of the Dread Judgement

The Catechumen Class will be at 1 pm on Sunday, as usual. These are open to everyone who wishes to learn more about our faith (inquirers, catechumens, and Orthodox), but are crucial for any catechumens who are considering baptism in the near future. We will continue with questions 15, 16 and 17. Please join by zoom here. You can download the PDF for free here.

You can download the schedule for lent here. You can download the translation here.

If you have something you would like added to the Bulletin, please forward it to Deacon Michael. He will add it. as space allows.

Jarod our treasurer informs me that the money collected by the children in excess of $300 has been sent to Save the Children. It will be doing good things.

Don't forget to collect for David's fund to buy a new church. The best way to get involved in this is to ask David what he is collecting and how to go about it. I know that some are taking the stuff to the recycling themselves and giving David the proceeds and some are giving David the stuff to take for recycling. Don't for one moment think that one thing is too little. It all adds up. You can also add money to the church's bank account on line, labelled 'Building fund'. Ask Jarod about that.

Can you believe - yesterday we were eating Christmas Cake and now we are at the start of Great Lent. The two might cancel each other out in terms of calories.

Please remember the shut-ins of the parish: Ludmilla, Theresa and the Chechen lady, who some of our parish visit. Please pray for the safe return of Sergey, Kateryna and the boys as they return from holiday. Please pray for Alena as she faces surgery. Continue to pray for Leslee.

I will never get over the generosity and courage of the parishioners who looked after me following my surgery, that I'm still recovering from. The food that was delivered and the lads who looked after me making sure that I was never alone. They had to dress my wound and do all sorts of personal things for me. Again, Thank You.

Whereas the calendars cost $15 dollars, it is important that we all have a copy for our homes. Please make sure you have a calendar. There are some all English and there are some English Slavonic. Please make sure you get the one appropriate for your family. If you have to forgo the $15 please take one anyway.

The Archdiocesan Council meeting will be held at St. Vladimir's from April 30th - May 2. If you are able to help billet any of the council members for these dates, please contact Fr. Stelian.

There is a general Baptism of Catechumens on Lazarus Saturday (April 12) at 10 am, If you would like to be baptised, please speak with Father David or one of the priests.

We have a google calendar, which is kept up to date with the upcoming service schedule. You can find it here and add it to your google calendar with the link at the bottom.

Tax receipts for donations have been sent out by email. If you have not received one yet, please check your Spam folder. If you still cannot find it, please reach out to Jarod ( treasurer (at) halifaxorthodox.org )

-Fr. David

February 14th, 2025

Meeting of the Lord
Friday February 14, 6 pm

Saturday February 15, 10 am
Baptismal Liturgy

Sunday of the Prodigal Son

Tone 1
Saturday February 15, 6pm

Sunday February 16, 10 am
Divine Liturgy

Baptismal Liturgy
Saturday at 9:30 am we will start the Baptism of Cyrus Mark Blaauw. Portions of the baptismal service will be interwoven with the Liturgy.

Father David
It was wonderful to see Fr. David back in Church on Sunday.

Just around the corner:

Meatfare Sunday
February 23rd is Meatfare Sunday. This week is the final regular fasting week (Wednesday and Friday) before we begin more in earnest preparations for Great Lent.

Cheesefare week begins February 24th.

Great Lent begins March 3rd.

Catechumen Lessons
The next catechumen lesson will be on February 23rd at 1 pm.

Our calendars have arrived and are available for purchase. They will be available in the narthex for $15. Specially marked envelopes will be provided for their purchase.

-Dcn Michael

February 7th, 2025

Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee

Tone 8
Saturday February 8, 6pm

Sunday February 9, 10 am
Divine Liturgy

Meeting of the Lord
Friday February 14, 6 pm

Saturday February 15, 10 am
Divine Liturgy

Where are our clergy?

  • At the time of writing, Fr. David is still recovering from his surgery at home. He is improving considerably and would like to thank everyone who has stayed with him and provided meals. We continue to pray for him.
  • Fr. Stelian is serving in Cape Breton this weekend.
  • Fr. Alexander will be serving this weekend, assisted by the deacon.

Catechumen Class
The Catechumen class is canceled for this week, due to logistics. Fr. Stelian will likely do some catechism at Cape Breton. The next class will be on February 23rd. As always, please reach out to any of the clergy if you have any questions about Orthodoxy. If we do not know the answer, we can find out.

Due to the current shortage of priests, please try to come to church on Saturday evening for Vigil to have confession if at all possible. Please leave Sunday morning open for those who cannot come on Saturday due to distance, work, or numerous other circumstances. This will ensure that the serving priest(s) can adequately meet the needs of the parish as well as serve the Divine Liturgy in a timely manner. This is also important to remember as we enter Great Lent with all its additional services.

Fast Free Week
The Pharisee proudly, arrogantly, proclaimed to God that he upheld all the laws to the letter. Conversely, the Publican could not turn his eyes up to heaven, but humbly prostrated himself, begging for God's forgiveness for his numerous sins.
The Holy Fathers declared this week (February 10-16) to be fast free for two reasons: first to fortify ourselves before the coming Lent, and second to recall to our minds that God forgave the humble, repentant man rather than the proud man who fasted twice a week. It is not merely an allowance for human frailty, it is strictly forbidden to fast this coming week (except for the normal fast before receiving Communion).

Teens Evening
For kids/teens of a certain higher level of maturity, at the church on Saturday at 4pm, before Vigil, we will have a fire, hotdogs, and a Q&A with whatever clergy are there. So bring any questions with you. I will bring something sweeter to cook over the coals as well...

Upcoming Baptisms
Please pray for those who will be baptized in Cape Breton this weekend!

Our calendars have arrived and are available for purchase. They will be available in the narthex for $15. Specially marked envelopes will be provided for their purchase.

-Dcn Michael

January 31, 2025

Thirty-second Sunday after Pentecost (Zaccheaus Sunday)

Tone 7
Saturday February 1, 6pm

Sunday February 2, 10 am
Divine Liturgy

Where are our clergy?

  • At the time of writing, Fr. David is still recovering from his surgery at home. We continue to pray for him.
  • Fr. Stelian is on vacation for 1 more weekend, then will be serving at the cape the following weekend.
  • Fr. Alexander will be serving this and next weekend, assisted by the deacon.

Around the Corner

  • Saturday February 15 - Meeting of the Lord
    • Divine Liturgy 10 am

Fr. David
Father David would like to thank everyone who has stayed with him since the surgery and helped him to recover (he has been watched over by parishioners continuously since coming home), those who have provided food for him, and all those praying for him. He is getting stronger each and every day, and it is thanks to this parish.

Cape Liturgy
The next Divine Liturgy at the Mission in Cape Breton will be on Sunday February 9th. There will also be services at St. Vladimir's that weekend as usual.

Fundraiser for New Building
The following is a list of recyclables brought to the Beaver Enviro Depot for refund.

  1. pop cans
  2. energy drink cans
  3. beer cans
  4. glass beverage bottles
  5. plastic beverage containers
  6. drink boxes
  7. juice boxes


The goal is to raise $50,000.00

First deposit 4 Jan 25 = $4.35
Second deposit: not counted yet

If parish members would like to help in this initiative, they can do the following:

1. Bring any item list above to church in a blue plastic bag. I will bring any donated recyclables to Beaver Enviro Depot for a refund.


2. Parishioners bring their own recyclables to their local recycling depot for a refund. Place their refund in an envelope labelled donation for fundraising and place in either the donation box or collection plate on Sunday.

Love in Christ
Subdeacon David

-Dcn Michael

January 24, 2025

Thirty-first Sunday after Pentecost

Tone 6
Saturday January 25, 6pm
Vespers followed by Panikhida

Sunday January 26, 10am
Divine Liturgy

The Catechumen Class will be at 1 pm on Sunday, as usual. These are open to everyone who wishes to learn more about our faith (inquirers, catechumens, and Orthodox), but are crucial for any catechumens who are considering baptism in the near future. We will continue with question 11 and, time permitting, cover 12 and 13 as well. Please join by zoom here. You can download the PDF for free here.

If you have any questions about the topics in this book, or otherwise related to Orthodoxy, please feel free to ask during the class or reach out to any of the clergy. Our contact information can be found above as well as on the church website.

Where are our clergy?

  • At the time of writing, Fr. David is still recovering from his surgery. We continue to pray for him.
  • Fr. Stelian is on vacation for 2 weekends
  • Fr. Alexander will be serving this weekend and next weekend, assisted by the deacon.

Donation Tax Receipt
Jarod has begun distributing Tax Receipts. They are coming from treasurer@halifaxorthodox.org. They may appear in your spam folder.

Cape Liturgy
The next Divine Liturgy at the Cape will be on Sunday Feburary 9th. There will also be services at St. Vladimir’s that weekend as usual.

Blessing of the Ocean
There was an excellent turnout for the ocean blessing last Sunday. Several dove in after the cross. Luke (Cameron) retrieved it, with John (Nolan) right behind him.

Thank you to everyone who helped to prepare for the bishop's visit. A lot of work went into the altar, the choir, the church itself, the lunch afterwards, lugging all that water for the various blessings, and myriad other tasks leading up to, during, and following Vladika Irenee's visit.

Thanks again to Oksana, who is helping to translate this bulletin every week. We seem to be having an issue with slavic characters on certain pages of the website. Hopefully we can resolve that so that we can also post the translations online.

-Dcn Michael

January 17, 2025

Saturday January 18, 9:30am
Greeting and vesting the Archbishop
Hierarchical Liturgy - Vespers
Eve of Theophany
Great Blessing of Water
His Eminence Archbishop Irenee
Lenten Style Coffee Hour

Tone 5
Saturday January 18, 6pm
Compline and Matins
Sunday January 19, 10am
Divine Liturgy
Great Blessing of Water
Blessing the Atlantic Ocean with Swim for the Cross
Coffee Hour at the Swim site, The Dingle

The dashing to find the cross and the blessing of the Atlantic Ocean will take place at Dingle Park - not very far from the church (see the map).

I shall likely be away from Tomorrow (Monday, January 20th). I have to report to the hospital by 0530 - that's in the morning. The surgery on my back is scheduled for 0700. They estimate that I shall be in the hospital for 2 days. They get you up right away, I remember. I shall be back in church the moment I am able, even if I have to have help. Please pray for me.

Deacon Michael will continue the bulletin while I am recovering. Thank you, Father Deacon.

Please remember Father Stelian's talk about an extra $100 if possible. We want to move and having a stash of cash is the only way whether we build, buy or refurbish - Let us see what we can do. May God Bless our efforts and the Holy Spirit inspire us.

Here is how we get to the Dingle; thank you David.

May God Bless us,
Love in Christ,
Father David

January 10, 2025

Twenty-nineth Sunday after Pentecost
Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ
Commemoration of the Holy & Righteous Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, & James the Brother of the Lord

Tone 4
Saturday January 11, 6pm
Sunday January 12, 10 am
Divine Liturgy

Following this Liturgy, Luke (Cameron) and the choir will lead us in singing Christmas Carols, that's the real Carols, not the ones that are the jingly bells sort that are used in stores to help us buy. These Carols will be about the Birth of Christ.

This is Sunday School Sunday, and

This is also Catechumens Sunday. Anyone who wants to continue learning about the Faith and the Orthodox Church will meet downstairs at 1pm. We continue our Trek through the document -
I'm Orthodox: What Does That Mean?
This is a document produced by Metropolitan Archbishop Sotirios of the Greek Archdiocese of Canada. Now we must start recording which Catechumens are attending these sessions as we are coming up to Great Lent and at the end of Lent there will be the Baptism or Reception of those who have attended.

Subdeacon David Decaire has started a fund-raising scheme. He has decided to collect cans, bottles and anything that can be turned into money. His intention is to raise enough money to buy a church - a place to replace our present building. Did you notice how 'sardine' like our church felt at the Christmas Liturgy? We need a bigger place. Have a word with Subdeacon David. He will tell you how much he intends to raise and what you can do to help him reach that goal.
Note: The moment we take hold of these raising money schemes, the Holy Spirit will inspire and help - I have no doubt. We must take hold and make effort for the Holy Spirit to use. This is the first scheme; there may be others. The Holy Spirit has been known to multiply the results of effort. We must give the Holy Spirit something to work with - our effort.

Did you know that there are shut-ins who belong to this parish? There are. You can make a difference by visiting. The best people to ask about this, are Father Alexander and Heather Decaire. I happen to know that Theresa would love visitors.

Thank you for all of the incredible gifts. You have blessed me as much as I have ever blessed you. The Lord brought me to you and I thank Him constantly for that blessing.

This has been a wonderful Christmas celebration. Thank you everyone for being there. The fast is over (for the time being). We've been waiting for the Christmas feast - now enjoy it!

Some may know that I am scheduled for lower back surgery on January 20th. This is apparently thought of as major surgery and so I ask for your prayers. Julian will take me to the hospital for 0530 on that date. I shall be incapacitated for a few days afterwards but I hope not for long. May God bless all of us.
Love in Christ,
Father David

St. Stephen the Protomartyr

January 1, 2025

Twenty-eighth Sunday after Pentecost

Tone 3
Saturday January 4, 6pm
Sunday January 5, 10 am
Divine Liturgy
Monday January 6, 10 am
Vespers with Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
10 pm
Nativity of Christ Matins and Liturgy
Wednesday January 8, 10 am
Synaxis of the Theotokos Divine Liturgy

December 2024 Decembre

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Le Christ est Ne! Glorifions-Le!

Bethlehem this day resembles heaven; hearing from the stars the singing of angelic voices; and in place of the sun, enfolds within itself on every side, the Sun of justice. And ask not how: for where God wills, the order of nature yields. For He willed; He had the power; He descended; He redeemed; All things yielded in obedience to God. (Saint John Chrysostom's Christmas homily.)

Bethleem ressemble aujourd'hui au ciel; des etoiles lui parvient le chant des voix angeliques; et a la place du soleil, elle renferme en elle-meme, de tous cotes, le Soleil de justice. Et ne demandez pas comment : car lorsque Dieu le veut, l'ordre naturel est aboli. Car Il l'a voulu; Il en avait le pouvoir; Il est descendu; Il a rachete; toutes choses se sont soumises en obeissance a Dieu. (Homelie de Noel de saint Jean Chrysostome)

Dearly beloved Fathers, Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Bien-aimes peres, freres et soeurs en Christ,

These words of our father among the Saints, John Chrysostom bring comfort as we are reminded that true power resides in God not in men. The Incarnation of the God-man, renews in us hope. True life is restored to us.

Ces paroles de notre pere parmi les Saints, Jean Chrysostome, nous reconfortent en nous rappelant que le veritable pouvoir reside en Dieu et non dans les hommes. L'incarnation de Dieu-homme renouvelle en nous l'espoir. La vie veritable nous est restituee.

May this festal season bring you and your loved ones peace in our Newborn Saviour.

Que cette saison festive vous apporte, ainsi qu'a tous vos proches, la paix en notre Sauveur nouveau-ne.

With love in the New-Born Christ. Dans l'amour du Christ Nouveau-Ne,

+ IReNeE
Archeveque d'Ottawa et du Canada (eOA)
Archbishop of Ottawa and Canada (OCA)

May God, born in a stable in Bethlehem, laid in a manger, with an ox and an ass looking on and with a Virgin Mother to soothe Him, bless every one of us -

With love to all, in that Baby, Christ Himself, lying in a manger!

Your clergy:
Father David
Father Stelian
Father Alexander
Father Deacon Michael


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