This weekend Services are as usual:
Saturday, Dec. 28: Vespers at 6 pm
Sunday, Dec 29: Sunday of the Holy Forefathers of Christ
Hours, Liturgy, and Coffee Hour at 10 am.
The pre-Christmas luncheon scheduled for this morning has been cancelled. Because of this, Vespers will be held as usual at the Church at 6pm as usual.
Saturday, Dec. 21: Vespers at 6 pm
Sunday, Dec 22: Conception by St. Anna of the Most Holy Theotokos
Hours, Liturgy, and Coffee Hour at 10 am.
Confessions and Travel Blessing:
Confessions are before or after Vespers on Saturdays and before the Hours on Sundays; also by appointment. If you are travelling, please ask for a Travel Blessing on the Sunday before you are planning to take a trip or vacation.
Special Collection:
Last Sunday Father David announced a Special Collection. It is to pay for the new Church doors which have been installed. Your donation is needed to help pay for the new doors and all the expenses which are put out every month in order to keep our church open. Please help as you are able to and thank you.
Work Bee:
On Saturday, Jan. 4, 2020, starting at about 10 am, all hands are needed to clean the church from top to bottom in preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord.
Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, Monday, Jan 6, 2020:
The Service will begin on Monday evening at 9 pm, consisting of a shortened Matins service, followed by the Hours and then the Liturgy. After the Liturgy there will be a Christmas potluck meal. All contributions to the meal are welcome.
Annual General Meeting of the Parish:
The AGM will take place on Sunday, Jan. 26, 2020 after the Liturgy. A membership form will be sent out to everyone. Hard copies will also be available at church.
The services for the weekend of Dec. 14-15 will be as usual:
Saturday, Dec. 14: Vespers at 6 pm
Sunday, Dec 15: Hours, Liturgy, and Coffee Hour at 10 am.
Special Event:
As Crystal Hyun announced last Sunday, she and Eric will be hosting a Pre-Christmas lunch at their home in Pictou on Saturday, December 21, starting at 11:30 am. The address is 119 Prince St, Pictou, NS. All are welcome.
Special Message for the Children:
Please bring an extra pair of shoes with you to church this Sunday to put under the Christmas tree.
The services for the weekend of Dec. 7-8 will be as usual:
Saturday, Dec. 7: Vespers at 6 pm
Sunday, Dec 8: Hours, Liturgy, and Coffee Hour at 10 am.
This Sunday, Coffee Hour will take place after Liturgy at Father David’s, Apartment 1205, 36 Abbey Road, Halifax.
On Tuesday evening, at 6 pm, there will be a Vespers service for the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple.
Fr. David has reminded us that the Nativity fast has begun, and will go on until the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Confessions with Father David:
Before or after Vespers on Saturdays and before the Hours on Sunday mornings; also by appointment.
Special Event on Friday, December 6, at 8 pm:
The King’s Chorus, under the direction of Nick Halley, will present Saint Nicolas on Friday, December 6 at St. Mary’s Basilica in Halifax. Saint Nicolas is a cantata written in nine movements by Benjamin Britten which recounts the life of the legendary Saint Nicolas, the 4th-century Bishop of Myra. Britten composed the piece in 1948, setting to music text which Eric Crozier had written after extensive research into the many and incredible legends of Saint Nicolas. For more information, please go to
The services for the weekend of Nov. 30 — Dec. 1 will be as usual:
Saturday, Nov. 30: Vespers at 6 pm
Sunday, Dec 1: Hours, Liturgy, and Coffee Hour at 10 am
The services for the weekend of Nov. 23-24 will be as usual:
Saturday, Nov. 23: Vespers at 6 pm
Sunday, Nov. 24: Hours, Liturgy, and Coffee Hour at 10 am
In case you have not seen this message from the Monks of the Hermitage of the Annunciation in New Germany NS, please click on the link below to read about the Christmas wreaths they have for sale, along with other seasonal products, regular items and crafts:
To place an order with the Monks, order online at or call/text: 902-644-1388.
The services for the weekend of Nov. 9-10 will be as usual:
Saturday, Nov. 9: Vespers at 6 pm
Sunday, Nov. 10: Hours, Liturgy, and Coffee Hour at 10 am
Following the Liturgy, there will be a Memorial Service for Nadia MacIntosh.
Important Weekend of November 2-3, 2019
This weekend we will have the blessing of the archpastoral visit to St. Vladimir’s of Archbishop Irénée, who will be accompanied by Fr. David Edwards, our new priest.
They will be leading the Vespers service on Saturday, November 2 at 6 pm. The Vespers service will be followed by a parish potluck.
On Sunday, November 3, the Hours and Liturgy will be at 10 am as usual, followed by a parish potluck.
Please come and welcome Archbishop Irénéand our new priest!
All contributions to the parish potlucks on Saturday and Sunday are greatly appreciated, whether big or small. There are no dietary restrictions. Here are just a few suggestions: meat dish; fish dish; vegetarian dish; soup; salads; cheese and crackers; bread; drinks; fruit; sweets, etc. A small donation of flowers would also be wonderful. Please contact Heather Decaire if you have any questions.
The services for the weekend of Oct. 26-27 will be as usual:
Sat Oct 26: Readers Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Oct 27: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
The services for the weekend of Oct. 12-13 will be as usual:
Sat Oct 19: Readers Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Oct 20: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
Special Event: Baptism of Vasily Trukhachev on Oct. 19 at 4 pm
Dmitry and Elivira Trukhachev would like to announce to the parishioners of St. Vladimir’s:
Dear Parishioners,
Please join us for the baptism service Fr. Alexander will serve to baptise our son Vasily. It will take place on Saturday, October 19th at 4pm. The baptism will be followed by a get-together with tea and cake.
Elvira and Dmitry, parents
The services for the weekend of Oct. 12-13 will be as usual:
Sat Oct 12: Readers Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Oct 13: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour (Potluck) 10:00 am
Please bring something for the Potluck after the Liturgy if you are able to. Every contribution, big or small, is appreciated very much.
The services for the weekend of Oct. 5-6 will be as usual:
Sat Oct 5: Readers Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Oct 6: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
It is with sorrow and sadness that St. Vladimir’s announces the repose in the Lord of Nadia MacIntosh on September 26 at 1:50 pm. She is survived by her husband Donald and three daughters.
After the Liturgy on Sunday, September 29, a Panikhida will be served at St. Vladimir’s in her memory.
On Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019 the Visitation will take place at J. A. Snow Funeral Home at 339 Lacewood Drive, Halifax, from 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm.
On Friday, Oct. 4, 2019, the funeral of Nadia MacIntosh will be at 11:00 am at St. Antonios Orthodox Church, 2480 Windsor St., Halifax (corner of Chebucto and Windsor). It will be followed by a Memorial Meal (Reception) at the St. Antonios Church Hall, 2455 Windsor St., Halifax.
For more details, please consult
Memory Eternal!
On Friday, Sep. 20, a Vespers service for the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos will be served at 6 pm.
The services for the weekend will be as usual:
Sat Sept 21: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Sept 22: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
This weekend, services are as usual:
Sat Sept 14: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Sept 15: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
Due to approaching Hurricane Dorian both services for the weekend of September 7-8 have been cancelled. Stay safe!
Archbishop Irénée of the Archdiocese of Canada (OCA) will be serving the Liturgy at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Church on Sunday, September 1, at 10:00 am. Following the Liturgy there will be a potluck luncheon. Please bring whatever dish you are able to provide, whether it be meat, fish, salad, cheese and crackers, or beverages, etc. A cake has been donated already.
After the meal, Archbishop Irénée will hold a question and answer session for your information.
Sat Aug 30: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Aug 31: Hours, Liturgy, parish potluck 10:00 am
This weekend of August 24-25, 2019, is very special, but also very poignant as we come to say farewell to our faithful and long-serving priest, Fr. Vladimir, the founder of our parish over 25 years ago. He will be serving for the last time this weekend, and the services are as follows:
Sat Aug 24: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Aug 25: Hours, Liturgy, parish potluck 10:00 am
Father Vladimir founded our parish in the 1990’s and since then he has persevered in building it up and establishing it. Memories of all that he has done for us will remain in our hearts forever. Let’s all come together on Sunday to wish him well, and convey to him our love and appreciation of his dedicated service to St. Vladimir’s for more than 25 years.
Here is Fr.Vladimir’s message of farewell addressed to all faithful members of the parish.
As Fr.Vladimir said, “I wish, in this letter, to make my position very clear to everyone. I regret having to leave the parish at the time, but it is necessary due to the action of one who wished to do me harm. Ironically, the harm was done not to me, but to the people and to the parish. I hope to see many of you this Sunday for the last time.”
Fr. Vladimir will not be serving at St. Vladimir’s this coming weekend. He will be there for Sat./Sun. August 25/26.
Father Vladimir has given his blessing for St. Vladimir’s parish to hold a Readers Service (“Obednitsa”) on Sunday, August 18 at 10:30 am. This is a prayer service for lay people when no clergy are available to serve the Liturgy. It is not very long, between one-half hour and one hour.
On the weekend, services will be as usual:
Sat Aug 3: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Aug 4: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
This weekend July 27-28 we will be celebrating the Feast Day of St. Vladimir, our parish’s patron saint. Fr. Vladimir has just returned from his vacation and will be leading the celebration. (Please note that Father is unable to host the services and the picnic at his home in New Germany.) The services at our church are as follows:
Sat July 27: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun July 28: Hours, Liturgy 10:00 am
After Liturgy, weather permitting, we will be having a parish picnic either at the church or at York Redoubt picnic grounds which are about a 5 minutes drive from the church.
As for the picnic, please bring whatever picnic food and cold drinks that you can. Thanks! (Picnic foods are things that are easy to carry and eat without using utensils — sandwiches, pizza, salads, chips, cookies, fruit, and any other finger foods that are your favorites.)
On the weekend, services will be as usual:
Sat July 20: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun July 21: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
On July 11, 2019 at 6 pm there will be a Vespers service for the Feast Day of Sts. Peter and Paul. Please note that there will not be a Liturgy on July 12 for the Feast.
On the weekend, services will be as usual:
Sat July 13: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun July 14: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
Sunday of All Saints of North America
This weekend services are as usual:
Sat June 29: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun June 30: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
This weekend services are as usual:
Sat June 22: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun June 23: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
Please note: Baptism of Baby Vera Treiger on Saturday, June 22 at 11:00 a.m. All are welcome!
This weekend we celebrate Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit:
Sat June 15: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun June 16: Hours, Liturgy, Kneeling Vespers, coffee hour 10:00 am
Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!
The Paschal season is drawing to close.
Sat June 1: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun June 2: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
Wed June 5: Vespers 6:00 pm
Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!
The Paschal season continues: Sunday of the Myrrhbearing Women
Sat May 11: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun May 12: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am.
Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!
The Paschal celebration continues:
Sat May 4: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun May 5: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am.
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
Sat Apr. 27 4:00 p.m..: Chrismation of Heather Decaire and Thomas York
11:00 p.m.: PASCHA: RESURRECTION + Blessing of Food baskets
Parking: Our neighbour has kindly allowed the use of his parking space, so parking on both sides of the lot is permitted tonight. If the lot is full, street parking is also possible on Fergusons Cove Road. If arriving late, please use caution when entering the driveway as there might be a procession in progress (weather permitting).
Potluck after service: As Pascha is a time of celebrating new life, Fr. Vladimir asks that we consider bringing vegetarian dishes tonight rather than meat.
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
Please take note of the revised schedule for Holy Week:
Lazarus Saturday
Sat Apr. 20 4:00 p.m..: Baptisms of Joshua Simpon and Ivan Dubowezsky
6:00 p.m.: Vespers for Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
Sun Apr. 21 10:00 a.m.: Hours, Blessing of Palms, Liturgy
Holy Week
Mon Apr.22 7:00 p.m.: Bridegroom Matins
Wed Apr. 24, 7:00 p.m.: Holy Anointing
Thu Apr. 25 (Last Supper) 10:00 a.m.: Liturgy of St. Basil
7:00 p.m.: Twelve Passion Gospels
Fri Apr. 26 (Holy Friday) 2:00 p.m.: Vespers
7:00 p.m.: Epitaphios
Sat Apr. 27 4:00 p.m.: Chrismation of Heather Decaire and Thomas York
11:00 p.m.: PASCHA: RESURRECTION + Blessing of Food baskets
We will have authentic Ukrainian wooden Easter eggs (pysanki) for sale starting this Saturday evening. They come in many different colours and geometric patterns and cost $5 each. Please place money into the donation box.
Confession: Confession is an integral part of our preparation for Pascha. To schedule a confession, please contact Fr. Vladimir.
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
We apologize for the last-minute notice, but the Wednesday Presanctified Liturgy is cancelled.
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
We apologize for the last-minute notice, but the service of the Canon of St. Andrew for Wed Apr 10 is cancelled.
St. Mary of Egypt
Sat Apr 13: Great Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Apr 14: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
Wed Apr 17: Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 6:00 p.m.
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
St. John Climacus // Annunciation
Sat Apr 6: Great Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Apr 7: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
Wed Apr 10: Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete 6:00 p.m.
Fri Apr 12: Akathist 6:00 p.m.
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever! Here are the upcoming services for this week:
St. Gregory Palamas
Sat Mar 23: Great Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Mar 24: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
Wed Mar 27: Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 6:00 p.m.
An invitation from the Serbian Orthodox community:
Dear Orthodox brothers and sisters from St Vladimir, our Serbian Orthodox Comunity invites you to take part in Liturgy which is going to take place at St Anthony Church on Saturday Mar 23 at 10:00 am, here in Halifax thanks to dear father Maximus Skali who gave us their beautiful temple for this purpose. After Liturgy, there will be a potluck. We would be glad to see you all.
Adoration of Holy Cross
Sat Mar 30: Great Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Mar 31: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:30 am
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever! Here are the upcoming services for this week:
Sunday of Orthodoxy
Sat Mar 16: Great Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Mar 17: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:30 am
Wed Mar 13: Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 6:00 p.m.
St. Gregory Palamas
Sat Mar 23: Great Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Mar 24: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:30 am
Wed Mar 27: Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 6:00 p.m.
This weekend we mark the start of Lent and our preparation for Pascha, the feast of feasts:
Sat Mar 9: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Mar 10: Hours, Liturgy, Forgiveness Sunday Vespers, coffee hour 10:30 am
Please note that clocks go forward an hour Saturday night. As a result, for this Sunday, we will begin the hours at 10:30 am.
Mon Mar 11: Great Compline & Great Canon 6:00 p.m.
Tue Mar 12: Great Compline & Great Canon 6:00 p.m.
Wed Mar 13: Great Compline & Great Canon 6:00 p.m.
Thurs Mar 14: Great Compline & Great Canon 6:00 p.m.
The full schedule for Lent is available here. Please continue to check the weekly updates in case of any changes.
Confession: Confession is an integral part of our preparation for Pascha. To schedule a confession, please contact Fr. Vladimir.
New parishioner: Congratulation to Jessica and Ryan on the birth of their son! Ivan Alexander arrived on February 24th at 9:00 pm. Mom and baby are doing well. May God grant little Ivan many, many years!
Services this week are as usual:
Sat Mar 2: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Mar 3: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am.
Please check your email for updates before leaving tomorrow in case we must cancel due to weather conditions. Any cancellation note will be sent out before 8:30. Should the service proceed, please use your best judgement in deciding whether you should venture out and drive with caution. Be especially cautious going up the church driveway in case it is not yet plowed. If you have difficulty negotiating the driveway, parking on Fergusons Cove Road may be a better option.
Note that next weekend marks the start of Lent:
Sat Mar 9: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Mar 10: Hours, Liturgy, Forgiveness Sunday Vespers, coffee hour 10:00 am
The Lenten service schedule will come out soon.
This weekend we celebrate the feast of the Meeting of the Lord:
Sat Feb 16: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Feb 17: Hours, Blessing of Candles, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am.
Services this weekend are as usual:
Sat Feb 9: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Feb 10: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am.
Services this weekend are as usual:
Sat Feb 2: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Feb 3: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am.
This weekend we celebrate the feast of the Theophany of our Lord
Sat Jan 19: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Jan 20: Hours, Liturgy, Blessing of the Water, coffee hour 10:00 am.
If you wish to take holy water home with you, please bring a very clean container.
Christ is born! Glorify Him!
The feast of the Nativity continues. Services are as usual this weekend.
Sat Jan 12: Vespers 6:00 pm
Sun Jan 13: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am.
Feast of the Nativity:
Sat Jan 5: Vespers 6:00
Sun Jan 6: Hours, Liturgy, coffee hour 10:00 am
Feast of the Nativity:
Sun Jan 6: Vigil 9:00 pm
Confessions: Confession is an integral part of one’s preparation to receive the Eucharist at Nativity. To schedule a confession, please contact Fr Vladimir as soon as possible do he can plan accordingly.
New church calendars for 2019 are now available, the suggested donation is $12. There are English and bilingual English/Russian versions available. Please place the money in the donation box in a specially marked envelope