Icon of St.Vladimir, Prince of Kiev

St.Vladimir Orthodox Church

3163 Purcell's Cove Road, Halifax, NS

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Words of Welcome

You may have heard that the Orthodox Church is strange, that it is foreign; you may think it caters to people who speak languages you don’t and won’t understand.  You may even fear the Orthodox Church, after all it is Eastern. You’ve probably heard that it’s for Russians or Greeks or Ukrainians or Arabs. Would you believe it if I told you that St. Vladimir Orthodox Church has more English language speaking parishioners than any other language; it was started as an English Mission? And that you would feel right at home in St. Vladimir Orthodox Church? Did you know that St. Vladimir, our Patron Saint, the Prince of Kiev was instrumental in the conversion of that part of the world to Orthodoxy, more than a thousand years ago? Did you know that the Orthodox Church has been teaching about Jesus Christ for more than 2,000 years, and that it has not altered those incredible teachings? Frequently we get asked, “Do you believe in the Bible?” Our answer has to be, “Of course we do, Orthodox Christians wrote the New Testament!” Orthodox Christians wrote the Gospels, the Epistles, the Acts of the Apostles and the great Revelation. The Orthodox Church (Orthodox meaning right believing) is the ancient and the modern Christian Church, which stretched and still stretches as far as St. Peter and St. Paul, and the other Disciples and Apostles, led by the Holy Spirit, travelled, and far beyond.

The Orthodox Church may be more than 2000 years old, but we live now, by holding on to Traditional Christian teachings. We live in and are part of the 21st Century. Glory to God!

It would be an adventure to visit St Vladimir Prince of Kiev church, and you would be welcome. We don’t criticize, we don’t judge and there are lots of children.

Saturday evening at 6pm we serve Vespers, which takes about an hour. Sunday 10am we serve Liturgy, which takes about two hours on a regular Sunday. The coffee time that follows lasts as long as people stay and chat, and eat, and drink tea and coffee. Our people love being in each others’ company so they don’t hurry away.

How do we learn about the Church? By being part of the community, so we wait to welcome you.

In Christ,
Father David

Weekly News

July 26, 2024

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Patronal Festival
Holy Great Prince Vladimir
Prince of Kiev - Equal to the Apostles

Saturday July 27 6 pm Vigil
(if the temperature is very hot - Vespers)

Sunday July 28 10:00 am Divine Liturgy
Tone 4

Ordination to the Diaconate of
Subdeacon Michael Cherry

The Liturgy at the Mission went well - 3 new Catechumens! The Mission is growing. Glory to God.

We remember to pray for:

  • Theresa and Ludmilla (shut-ins and need visiting)
  • Andrew and Noah (on the Atlantic)
  • Father Alexander, Matushka Ksenia and the children (in Russia)
  • The Mission of St. Seraphim on Cape Breton
  • Catechumens
  • Visitors
  • Father Panagiotis and his people
  • Father Maximos and his people
  • The Hermitage of the Annunciation
  • Subdeacon Michael Cherry
  • There must be others.

Here are two reminders from Heather:

1.) For our patronal feast day on Sunday July 28th, we will have a picnic at York Redoubt (if the weather cooperates) after Liturgy. Hotdogs, sausages, and drinks will be provided, and we ask that everyone brings side dishes for the potluck. Please, also bring your lawn chairs and picnic blankets!

2.) Because of life circumstances (moving, pregnancy, travel, etc.), our number of available people in the food groups will be diminishing soon. After the church picnic, and going forward, we will change the responsibility of the "food group of the week" to only bringing cream for coffee, making the coffee and tea, set up of dishes, and complete clean-up after coffee hour. We will turn food provision back to a general potluck every week. The food groups will keep cycling and overseeing the coffee hour, but everyone in the parish will bring food again each week. I think this will alleviate stress on smaller food groups. This change will take place the first Sunday after the church picnic.

Thank-you so much!
Love in Christ,

Stuff coming up

  • July 28 - Feast of St. Vladimir - Picnic at York Redoubt All Welcome - See reminder
  • August 4 - Blessing of Chariots (cars)
  • August 14 - Start of Dormition Fast
  • August 19 - Transfiguration
  • August 28 - Dormition (Theotokos)

Way - Way ahead

  • Sunday September 1 - Orthodox New Year
  • September 8 - Catechumen meetings resume
  • Wednesday September 11 - Beheading of St. John, the Baptist
  • Sunday September 15 - Parish Photo - please be present
  • September 21 - Nativity of Theotokos
  • September 27 - Exultation of the Cross
  • October 14 - Protection of the Theotokos
  • October 20 - Parish Annual General Meeting

Please remember to pray for Michael Cherry as he faces his ordination to the Diaconate.

Welcome Vladyka Irenee

Thank you for blessing us with your presence on this, the Feast of St. Vladimir Prince of Kiev - our patronal festival.

Love to all,
May God bless us,

-- Father David

image of a calendar

Service Times

Saturday: 6:00pm Vespers

Sunday: 9:30am Hours, 10:00am Divine Liturgy, followed by coffee hour

See special service times, feasts, and parish events in our online Calendar.

Our parish uses the Old Style Julian calendar.

image of brick wall building

Capital Campaign

St.Vladimir‘s has begun the journey towards owning a permanent temple. Join Us!

You can Interac E-Transfer your donations now to .

Information and pledge forms.


St Seraphim of Sarov icon

Mission of St Seraphim of Sarov in Cape Breton


The Readers Service of the Hours and Typika will be held on Sunday, July 14th, at 10:30am at 11 Anderson Avenue, Sydney.

The Divine Liturgy will be held on Saturday, July 20th at 10330 Kempt Head Rd, Ross Ferry, NS B1X 1M4 at 10:30am.

For further ionformation, contact: