The first thing you will want to know is something about our parish. Let’s start with our patron saint — St.Vladimir: It was through his efforts that the whole of that part of the world and its people known as The Rus, became Christian and Orthodox. Let me tell you that St. Vladimir Orthodox Church has more English language speaking parishioners than any other.
St. Vladimir Parish was started by Father Vladimir Tobin as an English Mission and you would feel right at home. St. Vladimir, our Patron Saint, the Prince of Kiev was instrumental in the conversion of that part of the world, Rus, to Orthodoxy, more than a thousand years ago? The Orthodox Church has been teaching about Jesus Christ for more than 2,000 years, and that it has not altered those incredible teachings? Frequently we get asked, “Do you believe in the Bible?” Our answer has to be, “Of course we do, Orthodox Christians wrote the New Testament!” Orthodox Christians wrote the Gospels, the Epistles, the Acts of the Apostles, and the great Revelation. The Orthodox Church (Orthodox meaning right believing) is the ancient and the modern Christian Church, which stretched and still stretches as far back as to St. Peter and St. Paul, and the other Disciples and Apostles, who, led by the Holy Spirit, traveled The Holy Land and far beyond.
The Orthodox Church may be more than 2000 years old, but we live now, by holding on to Traditional Christian teachings. We live in and are part of the 21st Century. Glory to God!
It would be an adventure to visit St Vladimir Prince of Kiev church, and you would be welcome. We don’t criticize, we don’t judge, and there are lots of children.
Saturday evening at 6pm we serve Vespers, which takes about an hour. Sunday 10am we serve Liturgy, which takes about two hours on a regular Sunday. The coffee time that follows lasts as long as people stay and chat, and eat, and drink tea and coffee. Our people love being in each others’ company so we don’t hurry away.
How did we learn about the Church? By being part of the community. So, we await — to welcome you.
In Christ,
Father David
Twenty-eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Tone 3
Saturday January 4, 6pm
Sunday January 5, 10 am
Divine Liturgy
Monday January 6, 10 am
Vespers with Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
10 pm
Nativity of Christ Matins and Liturgy
Wednesday January 8, 10 am
Synaxis of the Theotokos Divine Liturgy
December 2024 Decembre
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Le Christ est Ne! Glorifions-Le!
Bethlehem this day resembles heaven; hearing from the stars the singing of angelic voices; and in place of the sun, enfolds within itself on every side, the Sun of justice. And ask not how: for where God wills, the order of nature yields. For He willed; He had the power; He descended; He redeemed; All things yielded in obedience to God. (Saint John Chrysostom's Christmas homily.)
Bethleem ressemble aujourd'hui au ciel; des etoiles lui parvient le chant des voix angeliques; et a la place du soleil, elle renferme en elle-meme, de tous cotes, le Soleil de justice. Et ne demandez pas comment : car lorsque Dieu le veut, l'ordre naturel est aboli. Car Il l'a voulu; Il en avait le pouvoir; Il est descendu; Il a rachete; toutes choses se sont soumises en obeissance a Dieu. (Homelie de Noel de saint Jean Chrysostome)
Dearly beloved Fathers, Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Bien-aimes peres, freres et soeurs en Christ,
These words of our father among the Saints, John Chrysostom bring comfort as we are reminded that true power resides in God not in men. The Incarnation of the God-man, renews in us hope. True life is restored to us.
Ces paroles de notre pere parmi les Saints, Jean Chrysostome, nous reconfortent en nous rappelant que le veritable pouvoir reside en Dieu et non dans les hommes. L'incarnation de Dieu-homme renouvelle en nous l'espoir. La vie veritable nous est restituee.
May this festal season bring you and your loved ones peace in our Newborn Saviour.
Que cette saison festive vous apporte, ainsi qu'a tous vos proches, la paix en notre Sauveur nouveau-ne.
With love in the New-Born Christ. Dans l'amour du Christ Nouveau-Ne,
+ IReNeE
Archeveque d'Ottawa et du Canada (eOA)
Archbishop of Ottawa and Canada (OCA)
May God, born in a stable in Bethlehem, laid in a manger, with an ox and an ass looking on and with a Virgin Mother to soothe Him, bless every one of us -
With love to all, in that Baby, Christ Himself, lying in a manger!
Your clergy:
Father David
Father Stelian
Father Alexander
Father Deacon Michael
Saturday: 6:00pm Vespers
Sunday: 9:30am Hours, 10:00am Divine Liturgy, followed by coffee hour
See special service times, feasts, and parish events in our online Calendar.
Our parish uses the Old Style Julian calendar.
St.Vladimir‘s has begun the journey towards owning a permanent temple. Join Us!
You can Interac E-Transfer your donations now to halifaxorthodox (at) gmail (dot) com.
Saint Seraphim of Sarov Mission Facebook group
The Divine Liturgy will be held on Saturday, January 11th at 17 Marconi St, Glace Bay at 9:15am. Father Panagiotis will be coming up to serve Liturgy. We should all share the date and invite friends and family to come along. Our doors are open to anyone who is interested in experiencing the Divine Liturgy.
For further information, contact: stseraphimofsarovmission (at) gmail (dot) com